Birendra had his initial training as a genetic engineer, and subsequent exposure to Science Technology and Society (STS) studies provoked him to reimagine frugal innovation from an 'alternative perspective'. He holds a Master of Technology (M.Tech) and a research Master (M.Phil) in the realm of science policy. At ICFI, his PhD project focuses on the case study in rainwater harvesting based irrigation practices in central India. His empirical fieldwork is aspiring to conceptualize knowledge and learning dynamics of the bottom-up frugal innovations. More specifically, his research deals with twin objectives; first, what are the learning and knowledge(s) integration strategies used by the grassroots in an uncertain and resource-constrained environment. Secondly, how to fathom the learning and knowledge dynamics of the bottom-up frugal innovations below the gravity of social institutions, local knowledge and available resources. Knowledge creation, social learning and adaptive thinking theories are the theoretical ‘hook’ of his research.
Birendra is currently working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Knowledge Technology and Innovation group at Wageningen University and Research on frugality and inclusion in food provisioning.