Designing Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development in Kenya

Author(s): Onsongo, E. K., Mutisya, E., and Shisanya, C.
Publication date: 2019
Title: Designing Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development in Kenya
Cite this article as: Onsongo, E. K., Mutisya, E., and Shisanya, C. (2019). Designing Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development in Kenya. In C. Aguirre-Bastos, J. C. Chaparro, O. Saito, & K. Takeuchi (Eds.), Constructing Sustainability Science in Developing Countries. Paris, France: UNESCO Publishing.
Main topics: ScienceSustainable developmentInterdisciplinary researchScience policyCase studies 

Chapter 4, titeld Designing Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development in Kenya, subsequently maps Kenya’s science, technology and innovation policy framework and the underlying national innovation system. Gaps in the system that inhibit its potential towards addressing sustainable development are identified.

A key gap is the underdeveloped cooperation within and among existing knowledge systems/actors: inside industry, between firms, universities and research institutions, and between formal or ‘Western’ science and indigenous and local knowledge systems, and even between different locally-specific indigenous knowledge systems. Instances are also identified where cooperation is being fostered through policy instruments and ad hoc projects.

In this regard, three illustrative case studies are highlighted, in which a co-designed collaborative interdisciplinary approach to research and innovation was adopted: on frugal innovation in weather prediction, education for sustainable development, and organic agriculture.

The chapter concludes by providing some policy recommendations to foster the co-design of research and innovation for Kenya’s sustainable development

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