Advancing the measurement of frugal innovation

This book chapter starts from the recognition that we need to develop better ways to capture and measure Frugal innovation (FI). Through using data from a systematic literature review, we explore how FIs contain relatively differentiated characteristics from conventional innovations. We provide an overview regarding what are the specificities of FI, and how they might inform an effective way of capturing and measuring it. First, the key role of resource constraints in characterizing FIs, both because end users tend to be relatively poor, and because FIs are predominantly used in resource-constrained settings. Second, the diversity of actors involved in FI, considering the linkages and power inequalities across actors and the multiplicity of goals and motivations that steer their actions. We present recent attempts by other authors to measure FI, and a proposal to move forward with a selective and harmonized set of indicators that can be used to more effectively measure FI.

Book Title: Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement,edited by Fred Gault, Anthony Arundel and Erika Kraemer-Mbula
Publication date: 2023
Article title: Advancing the measurement of frugal innovation
Authors:  Maria Alejandra Pineda-Escobar & Valentina De Marchi & Peter Knorringa
Cite this article as: Maria Alejandra Pineda-Escobar & Valentina De Marchi & Peter Knorringa, 2023. "Advancing the measurement of frugal innovation," Chapters, in: Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement, chapter 20, pages 375-390, Edward Elgar Publishing.


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